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Common Youth

We offer free, confidential sexual health and wellbeing services to under 25’s.

Informing choices NI

Informing Choices NI is a sexual and reproductive health charity. We champion informed choices around sex, sexuality and reproductive health and wellbeing through advocacy, counselling, education, information and training.

Sexual Health NI (The GUM Clinic)

A GUM clinic is a place where sexual health is confidentially assessed and you can be tested and treated forĀ STIs. There are GUM clinics across Northern Ireland. You do not need to be referred by another doctor. In most cases, you will need to make an appointment. If you are worried that you have an STI, you can get tested at your nearest clinic.

The Rainbow Project

The Rainbow Project are a a support organisation for LGBTQIA+ individuals or anyone questioning or struggling with their gender and/or sexual identity.

Our services include peer social/support groups; health & wellbeing services; Rainbow Youth (ages 12-25); co-cultural counselling; hate crime, violence and domestic abuse advocacy; BAME, migrant, refugee & asylum seeker advocacy; our Macmillan Cancer Champion service and our sexual health service which offers rapid HIV & syphilis testing (with limited gonorrhoea testing) as well as advise on safer sex practices.

All our services are non-judgmental, confidential and free to access, you can be referred into our service or contact us directly to self-refer.

Our Sexual Health services are limited to people aged 18+ and is offered to any LGBTQIA+ individual or anyone who is in high distress about their HIV and/or syphilis status.